We are all supermodels


23 December 2018

I-Dylic aims to make people beautiful by helping them find the colors that suit them best, for them to look good and feel much much better: Be confident, be beautiful, dress in color!

Since we founded the company, we have spoken to men and women that are shy of color, and not particularly happy or confident with what they wear. Why? For the good reason that they don’t know how to find out what suits them and when they do, where to find it.

After a few falls - constructive ones, thankfully -, we have finally found our tool to change this. Not only do we propose a color test to our users, but we also propose clothes online on your favorite fashion e-commerce platforms that correspond to your own personal colors chart. If you want to try and have Messenger on your phone, click here.

We each have a color ID and a type of clothes we feel more beautiful in, but wouldn’t it be nice to be guided towards more style, more colors, more options and explore new outfit possibilities?

After all, we are all supermodels, as long as we take care of ourselves through a healthy lifestyle, self-respect and self-confidence built on knowing ourselves. Being a supermodel isn’t just about what you look like, but how you live and feel, what you do, how resilient you are, how you put objectives in your life and strive towards them.

Sometime I meet women in their 40s who feel old and have given up on making efforts on how they look. Maybe they have a partner who doesn’t look at them anymore, or are divorced, maybe they are exhausted by work and children and obligations. But hey, we only live once! Don’t let those precious years go by without making that feel-good effort on yourself.

Here are some tips:

  1. Wake up every morning with energy and transmit it to whomever you live with;

  2. Dress like you want to feel every day.

  3. Do sports, meditation and yoga (you don’t need any material to do this, only maybe a mat and YouTube to guide you);

  4. Buy clothes that suit you in shape and color, and go for color, even for your sports clothes;

  5. Put a touch make-up each morning (even if it is just BB cream, mascara and a touch of lipstick in your right colors);

  6. Dress nicely even on weekends, not just to go to the office;

  7. Every time you buy a piece of clothing, go for color and make sure it is of a nice quality and that you are going to wear it.

  8. Eat chocolate or sweets if you want to, but only if you do sports regularly to compensate.

  9. Whatever decisions you take during the day, make sure you listen to your gut feeling and common sense.

  10. If you don’t feel good about yourself or what you do, change the routines, do something different, even progressively!

We are all supermodels inside, we just need to find the right tools to feel like one. Don’t expect people around you to do it for you. Find your keys to feeling great even if it takes effort or courage, or both, initially.

If you want to know more about are colors and access looks that could suit you, go and discover our Colorbird Styling Coach

Do watch this wonderful TEDx conference by Stasia Savasuk on “Dressing for confidence and joy”. It’s very inspiring, I promise!

©I-DYLIC. Article by Eleonore Vadon
