Creating your outfit each day

16 June 2018

Every single day we need to get dressed, and five out of seven of them, this means dressing to go to work, to meetings and seeing people that will have a first impression of us based on what we are wearing.

Is getting dressed in the morning fun? According to most people we have interviewed whilst doing our customer discovery (trying to find out what people want from I-Dylic), choosing what to wear can be a real dilemma: what style should I wear, how can I combine this color, how can I accentuate my qualities and hide what I’m not too happy about?

Getting dressed is an art, and as we said in previous blogs, it can be mastered. Here are some tips for choosing your morning outfit:

  1. Think about it the day before and prepare the outfit before going to sleep. By picking your outfit the night before, you will gain incredible time the next day. You can even choose your jewelry and accessories so you don’t have to think about it anymore.

  2. If you have a big or important event, try to pick a combination of clothes with matching colors that you have already worn.

  3. Check the weather forecast, it can change everything.

  4. Dress for the occasion: Except if you are Kim Kardashian, it might not be worth it to go run errands with high heels. It you have an important meeting, to look good is to feel good and more self-confident so prepare the outfit that will make you feel great.

  5. Undergarments: Do not underestimate these. Their shape and fit can change the whole effect of an outfit. We recommend you ask a lingerie salesperson to help you to determine which shape suits you (and will write about it in another blog).

Process for choosing an outfit:

Step 1: Top

Choose a top, suit or dress as a first layer in your choice of clothes. It’s easier than starting the process from an accessory or pair of shoes.
Make sure the color illuminates your face and makes you look good. (find out which colors suit you with our test: ).

Step 2: Bottom

Then, if it isn’t a dress or jumpsuit, choose a bottom item like trousers, shorts or a skirt, casual or formal according to the occasion. Every new decision we make is informed by what we have previously chosen.

The same goes with colors. The top color determines the other colors since these need to match well together. Soon you will discover our new tool for matching colors based on the choice of the first item and according to your own personal color chart.

Step 3: Jacket

This done, start thinking about the third layer. The polishing touch to your whole outfit. Picking the right jacket is key for a total harmonious look. Here you can play with colors or textures.

Step 4: Shoes and handbag

Accessories are the final touch to choosing an outfit. This is the handbag and shoes, a belt and / or jewelry. Choose shoes that make sense with the style of your outfit. Today many codes have changed, it is true. You can wear a dress with cool sneakers (make sure these actually look good with the outfit). A nice pair of jeans can also be worn with stilettos. All depends on the colors, fit, shape and style. But you will learn to master your outfits as you go.

Step 5: Finishing touches

It is all a question of harmony and balance. You can always add a touch of elegance,  mix futurist and classic, combine chic and casual. That’s actually all the fun in choosing an outfit. And don’t forget your finishing touches! A bracelet, a belt, a scarf can add that little plus that you are looking for.

Now you know how to choose an outfit, make sure you think about what’s in your wardrobe when buying new clothes and accessories in terms of color, shape and style. If you find there are clothes in your wardrobe that don’t suit you, make sure you put them back into the circular economy either by donating or selling it, or exchanging it with a friend!

©I-DYLIC. Article by Eleonore Vadon